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The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

Samantha Wu

Samantha Wu, Editor-In-Chief

Samantha Wu is thrilled to spend her senior year as Editor-In-Chief of The Tide, after three years as editor and COVID beat reporter for the News section. After school, she edits and writes op-eds and personal essays for political and cultural magazines. She thinks that you should check out the Black-and-Gordle (and suggest fun five-letter words)!

All content by Samantha Wu
Students exit the auditorium following the IB Spanish exam.

[Photo] Free AP and IB exams; good move by MCPS

Samantha Cutler, Assistant Opinions Editor
September 20, 2023
Senior Samantha Wu smiles for the camera.

Senior Reflection: Samantha Wu

Samantha Wu, Editor-in-Chief
May 16, 2023
Mr. Hinsvark's first period class collects a shopping cart full of canned food for the Mana food drive, a fundraiser for the local food bank. The event was planned and advertised by the SGA, incentivized through a competition between first periods, with a donut prize as a reward for any class bringing in over a hundred cans. "History and English are killing it, I'm so serious. The entire history hallway is great," senior Scout Pollack said, "But I don't think the donut incentive is working." The cart was filled with various nonperishable goods, from dried pasta to beans and pudding. "Normally we hold a Toy drive during the holidays," senior Rayan Molkara said. "We've done clothes this year, for the future there could be fundraisers for any specific causes." The SGA is currently in the brainstorming process for new charitable events, including a spin on the traditional toy drive. "A math teacher told us about this thing called 'stuff a bus,' where you fill a bus with toys. You drive the entire bus to a shelter and feel like you did something nice for the community," Pollack said.

Nov. 14, 2022: SGA’s canned food drive

Samantha Wu, Editor-in-Chief
November 14, 2022
The updates come on top of existing safety measures. One example is Richard Montgomery's designated CEO, Corporal Derrick Tibbs, who has worked with administration for safety issues beginning in the 2021-2022 school year.

[Photo] MCPS returns police to schools

Hannah Lee, Senior News Writer
June 9, 2022
Students exit the auditorium following the IB Spanish exam.

[Photo] Students prepare for exams

Claire Yu, Senior News Writer
May 28, 2022
The cast and crew of RM's annual One Acts production takes a bow.

One Acts limits onlookers

Samantha Wu, News Editor
February 10, 2022
Due to COVID-19, celebrations of the winter holidays have differed from previous years.

COVID-19’s impact on the winter holidays

Samantha Wu, Senior News Writer
December 25, 2020
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