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The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

All content by Graphic by Julianne Cruz
It is better for employees and employers to be more open about salary topics.

[Photo] Companies should stop salary secrecy

Max Belyantsev, Assistant Opinions Editor
March 1, 2023
Some universities have enforced strict rules against the use of ChatGPT for essay assignments.

[Photo] RM reacts to ChatGPT

Crystal Li, Science Writer
February 27, 2023
BeReals are front-and-back pictures, taken daily during a random two-minute interval.

[Photo] BeReal: social media as it should be

Max Belyantsev, Assistant Opinions Editor
October 5, 2022

[Photo] Pet Show and Tell

Davi Jacobs, Features editor
May 26, 2022
Most of us have siblings, so we all understand how older siblings come packed with years worth of blackmail and how younger siblings are a constant pain. It is easy to recount stories of when an older sibling was embarrassing or when a younger one was annoying, but what is it like to have a twin? Someone who has been there for every moment of your life, and has gone through your exact same experiences?

[Photo] Having a built-in best friend

Mayah Nachman, Features writer
January 25, 2022
julianne cruz—omicron colored

[Photo] Omicron generates mixed reactions

Crystal Li, Science News Writer
December 20, 2021
Although many students enjoy having open lunch, it may be a bit nerve-racking due to the endless options surrounding RM-from Indian cuisine to Panera. To prolong your sanity, some students highlight their favorite places to stop by.

[Photo] Where to go for open lunch

Mayah Nachman, Features writer
October 26, 2021
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