The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide


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Senior Wills 2024

Graphics by Selena Yi

Continuing the annual tradition, seniors were asked to leave parting words of wisdom or any last piece of advice from their experiences over the past four years. The class of 2024 had a variety of responses: 


Lila Halper

Underclassmen please learn how to properly walk in the hallways. Juniors it gets better don’t worry. Seniors everything happens for a reason. Also everyone please stop waking and baking.

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Emily Liu

Don’t sweat the petty things, and don’t pet the sweaty things.


Justin Adjodha

Don’t let your well-being revolve around college admissions, it’s not worth the stress. If you let failure be the end all be all, you won’t find the motivation to change.


Naomi Peter

Yeah it was so fun to be here for 4 years of my short life. Enjoy every part of your highschool years. It gets annoying sometimes but I promise, it gets way better. Especially when you are EDGING towards the end of senior year! Just chill on it and don’t worry about work too much. You have all your life to do that. LOL!


Thisuli Meepagala

To everyone: Yeah, the past was the honestly the best, but best is what comes next.


Sophia Zhang

Don’t be lame and skip school spirit events. Don’t be scared to do something because you’d rather say “at least I tried” than “what if I did.” I wish I had embodied the yolo senior year mentality earlier because becoming closer with everyone senior year has been so rewarding and heartwarming.


Madeline Watson

To Everyone: welcome to opp central!


Elena Parisi

To The Tide editors: Thank you for the most amazing two years of suffering through InDesign and getting my articles stolen for front page when I already did my whole layout (love you Raha). To the freshmen: I promise no one is judging you as hard as you think they are. To everyone else: Please stop standing in large groups in the middle of the halls when I’m trying to walk to class.


Anthony Sarmiento

Before you skip a class, remind yourself you’ll probably have to do twice the work the next day (just tough the class out, you got this!!)


Dayanara Berrios

It’s never too late to do anything. Never give up!


Mayah Nachman

Thank you to all my amazing friends for giving me a great high school experience!


Evan Wong

My advice is to find a healthy balance between taking everything seriously and having fun. Remember to stop and smell the roses every once in a while.


Max Belyantsev

Juniors: Rough terrain ahead, so take care of yourself. When you look back at these four years, you’re not going to think about the essays or the math homework. You’re going to want to think about the dances, the parties, the DC trips, the fun little moments, the inside jokes. Don’t spend all your time studying. Enjoy life from time to time.

Everyone: Dear god, please stop vaping in the bathrooms. Be an adult, go outside during lunch or something.


Ashna Uprety

Enjoy every moment, it goes by a lot faster than you think. Don’t be afraid to join new clubs and sports — and definitely join The Tide.


Ruby Rojas

To Rising Juniors: do not measure your achievements based on those of others! Remember to always value yourself.


Kayden Siegal

Maybe the real IB Diploma was the underclassmen we adopted along the way.


Pearl Mitchell



Raha Murtuza

Please keep your hands to yourself on school property. Aggressive PDA is not cute, it is gross and makes everyone around you uncomfortable.


Anvika Deva

To those waiting for the right time: It sounds like a Pinterest quote, but truthfully, now is the perfect time to start whatever you’ve always wanted to do. If it takes 3 years, who cares? The time will go by anyway. 3 years later, would you rather be waiting some more or be glad you went for it?

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About the Contributors
Hannah Solomon
Hannah Solomon, Centerspread Editor
Hannah Solomon is thrilled for her second year with the Tide, but this time as an editor for Centerspread. Previously, she served as a contributor for multimedia, helping to draft scripts for the TidePod. When she’s not working an issue, you can find her watching a Studio Ghibli movie or reading a new book.