RM Community commemorates Mental Health Awareness Week
On Thursday, November 11, 2021, a group of therapy dogs and their owners from the Guiding Eyes for the Blind puppy raising program visited Richard Montgomery High School. A therapy dog is a dog trained to show affection, comfort and kindness to everyone, and they are “commonly seen in nursing homes, schools, courtrooms and hospitals,” quoted from Clovernook. These dogs are certified and trained by therapy dog organizations and volunteer with their owners to help improve the lives of others.
Many will confuse therapy dogs with service dogs, but whereas therapy dogs are tasked with providing emotional support, service dogs are specifically trained to assist a person with a disability and are therefore guaranteed access to all public places that may be prohibited to therapy dogs. Service dogs serve a wide range of disabilities, from being guide dogs for the visually impaired to alerting their owner of an oncoming seizure.
About the Contributors

Jessica Wang, Video Editor
Senior Jessica Wang is excited to be The Tide's Video Editor this year! This is her fourth year in Tide Multimedia after being the Assistant Video Editor...
Caroline Zhou, Features Writer
Caroline is a freshman writer for the Features section and a crossword maker of the Tide. It's her first year at Richard Montgomery High School and her...
Ginger Speer, Features Writer
Ginger is a freshman and excited to be writing for the Features section of The Tide. She has an amazing and adorable cat named Sneakers, who loves to sleep....

Davi Jacobs, Editor in Chief
Davi Jacobs is a senior and has been actively contributing to The Tide since her freshman year. In addition to reading and writing, she likes exercising...