This year’s SGA freshman elections took place in social studies classes on Friday, September 18. Freshman candidates ran for the SGA positions of president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. The candidates gave two minute speeches ranging from humorous to informative, all explaining why they would be the best choice for a position.
After the votes were tallied, it was revealed on the afternoon of Monday, September 21 that Nihmah Nayel would become the class president. Other winners included Abram Brown for vice president, Reyna Yerim Choi for treasurer, and Ananya Krishnan for secretary.

“At first I didn’t believe it,” said freshman president Nihmah Nayel. “I felt both overwhelmed with emotion and excitement.” Nayel campaigned using a website, catchy slogan, and rap song in her speech to capture the attention of voters. Other strategies candidates used included hanging posters in the school hallways to persuade freshmen to vote for them.
For Nayel, the most important thing is for everyone’s voices to be heard. “I want to [hear] everyone’s opinions,” she said. After winning, Nayel plans to bring the issue of bus routes to the board of education. “I heard a lot of complaints of bus routes being too restricting,” said Nayel. She also plans to address the problem of crowded school hallways by encouraging students to walk on the right side of the hallway.
As it is to be expected, opinions regarding election results varied among freshmen. Regardless, it is certain that this freshman year is going to be an exciting one with the help from the Class of 2019 SGA.