The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide


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Season 6, Episode 11: RM students kick off summer

Valerie Wang
The TidePod, which was started in early 2019, is currently in its sixth season. Graphic designed by Valerie Wang.

As we wrap up exams and testing and approach the last week of school, many students have been preparing for summer. RM rockets will be doing a variety of things over their break, so we wanted to recap some of the activities and plans people have. You can listen to this episode of the TidePod here. For more episodes, check out the TidePod on Spotify and Buzzsprout.

This episode of the TidePod was written and hosted by Uma Patnaik. Publicity and outreach by Uma Patnaik. Graphic by Valerie Wang. Music courtesy of Corrigan Peters. Produced and edited by Uma Patnaik.

If you would like to voice your opinion on an issue you feel is relevant to our community, please do so here. Anyone is able and welcome to submit a Letter to the Editor, regardless of journalistic experience or writing skills. Submissions may be published either online or in a print issue.

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About the Contributors
Uma Patnaik
Uma Patnaik, TidePod Editor
Uma Patnaik is a junior in her third year on The Tide. Outside of school, she plays competitive squash and enjoys baking and listening to music. She is looking forward to editing The Tide's best section, the TidePod.
Valerie Wang
Valerie Wang, Graphics Editor
Valerie Wang is so excited to be finishing up her last year at Richard Montgomery as the editor for the graphics section! Outside of working on the Tide for the past four years, you can also find her prepping for her next debate tournament, creating art, or dancing.