The Rockets’ first volleyball playoff game ended with a thrilling 3-0 victory against Whitman. Both teams had powerful offensive plays and impressive saves throughout the entire event, resulting in intense and fast-paced points.
“We played them earlier in the regular season and we beat them pretty badly,” junior Arielle Etedgi recalled. However, she was sure that they would make a come back into the game now that playoffs had started and both teams were improving.
The Vikings started out strong, claiming a lead over the RM girls due to a few missed passes and hits. However, the Rockets came back with strong hits and spikes. The first was saved by the other team, but the second and third showed off RM’s amazing offense skills. Junior Rachel Perry from the RM team delivered the third hit, a crucial hard spike that successfully tied up the game at 13-13. From then on, the Rockets dominated the first game.
What could be seen as one of the most intense plays of the entire event was the last point for the RM team at 24-21. “You don’t know when it’s gonna go over,” Etedgi recalled. “Everyone was just running around trying to get it the ball.”

It was a very close point, with the ball flying back and forth because of the strong defense of both teams. The Rockets had attempted a spike, but the Vikings received it and quickly recovered. Finally, the Rockets directed the ball towards a side, where it landed just shy of the line. The Whitman girls were unable to reach it in time, giving RM the first game.
The second game was an easier win for the Rockets. The beginning was tight, with the score generally being the same for both teams. Finally, at 9-9, the Rockets became more aggressive. They concentrated on a strong offense, while also stepping up their defense and saves. The game ended with a series of powerful spikes by Etedgi and freshman Laila Rogers, resulting in another game in favor of the Rockets.
When the third game started, the RM girls were confident and had high hopes of winning a three set match. They delivered several amazing serves and refused to let anything, including the Whitman crowd, divert their focus. The Vikings were also seemingly unfazed and continued to attempt spikes and fast hits. However, the Rockets combated that with several unbelievable saves.
The game ended with a powerful winning spike from Rogers, leaving the Whitman audience and team speechless, while the RM crowd burst into cheers.
“It felt really amazing [to score the winning point] because I was actually really scared,” Rogers admitted with a laugh. “Because the game against Walter Johnson, I hit the ball out and I lost the game… But [this time] I actually did it very well and I won the game.”
Even with this phenomenal win, the RM girls refused to turn complacent. “I think we need to focus on improving our passing because when we play BCC on Monday they’re gonna be hitting all different balls,” Rogers explained, thinking ahead to the next game. She also plans to improve her blocking so that the defense can have an easier job.
Even after finishing the first playoffs game, the Rockets have a long way to go, and more to improve. However, they will be fighting, learning, and hopefully winning every single step of the way. Their next match will be away at BCC next Monday, November 7.
Featured photo by Isha Yan