Montgomery County Public Schools aims to provide less fortunate students with all the school supplies they need for the school year. The GIVE BACKpacks initiative, which is currently in its fourth year of operation, has donated thousands of backpacks every year. The campaign allows students from RM and around the county to help fellow students who cannot afford to buy school supplies.
According to MCPS, 54,443 students in the county receive free and reduced-priced meals due to their low income. Those families may not be able to buy all the supplies they need, including pencils, notebooks, crayons, and paper. By donating only $10, people can provide a child with a backpack filled with essential supplies. Those who wish to donate more can even sponsor a class, grade, school, or cluster within MCPS.
Students at RM believe that this campaign is a good opportunity to support other students. “People can help them out,” said senior Marcus Suzuki.
“I think the campaign is really great for less fortunate families. It can give people a more equal opportunity at success,” said freshman Jessie Yung.

Although school supplies may not seem expensive, many families still struggle to obtain basic necessities. The cost of other school supplies adds up and that price may be more than some families can afford. RM students may contribute to and benefit from the backpack donations.
Michael Durso, President of the Montgomery County Board of Education, said that the campaign has made a positive impact in the lives of students and it is a “step in the right direction.” Chief of Staff Dr. Henry Johnson said that the backpacks would help the students start off the school year successfully.
Richard Montgomery’s PE teacher Barbara Contino participated in the GIVE BACKpacks campaign. Her donations helped students at Neelsville Middle School receive school supplies. “The campaign is a wonderful idea,” she said, “The campaign helped the kids by giving them an opportunity to have exactly what they need.”
Ms. Contino stressed the importance of every student having a full set of school supplies to begin the school year. She explained how his prevents less fortunate students from comparing themselves to other students based on what they do not have.
The GIVE BACKpacks campaign not only helps students obtain school supplies, but also creates a friendly atmosphere of teamwork within MCPS. People in Montgomery County can come together as a team and help each other out.
The initiative to bring school supplies to those in need has been extremely successful so far. This year alone, the campaign has donated 18,030 backpacks filled with school supplies. A total of 77 schools from all around Montgomery County have benefited from this campaign so far. Donors outside of the MCPS school system have been involved in this campaign as well. Many organizations and companies, such as CNSI Corporation, have donated large amounts of money to help students.
While it may not seem like much, a small donation of $10 can make a big difference in a student’s life. Campaigns like GIVE BACKpacks engage the community to support students in need by giving them the necessary resources to succeed. For more information or to donate, visit the MCPS website at