On Friday, April 22, 2016, Richard Montgomery High School had its first ever Battle of the Classes. It was run by the school’s SGA, which ran multiple sporting events in which all four classes competed for glory and the BOTC trophy. Rocket Music Collective was also on the scene to provide music throughout the event.
The seniors manifested their dominance early, with sweeping victories in the relay race, obstacle course, and other early events. However, they did lose out on some events, such as the soccer shootout, which ended up as a three way tie between classes, with seniors losing in fourth place.
The competition became even more cut-throat as the strongest members of each class grabbed hold of a long rope for a tug-of- war competition, which exemplified the real tug between the classes that went on throughout the competition.

Student body president Zack Khan had this to say about the event:
“I think that RM needs more events like these, more events where people are able to come and show their spirit. It would have been a bigger crowd had we done this during school time, but all in all it came out well, and I think everyone who came enjoyed themselves.”
The juniors ended up snatching the throne away from the seniors, winning a nail-bitter basketball game by only 5 points. This put them in first place, making them the first victors of the Battle of the Classes, and one of the few upsets to occur in similar events over the past four years.
Over $600 was raised to help fund a new and much needed Richie the Rocket mascot for the school. The money, raised by sports for sports, will be added to contributions made by organizations like the RM Booster Club to help account for an expensive mascot, totaling around $3,500.