What should you include in an application for a job or an internship?
– Josie Kim (11)
When I applied for my internship, I made sure to highlight activities and traits I have that would be helpful for the position. If the internship you’re applying for requires proficiency in a certain skill and you don’t have a lot of experience, talk about your passions or skills that are similar or would transfer easily.
– Sascha Wadhams (11)
How can I make my application stronger?
– Grace Li (11)
When you’re writing your essays, write them as narratives in stories. Most of your essays should be a huge anecdote, since you need to sound like a person to make your writing stand out.
– Mael Ejiogu (12)
What types of internships does RM provide?
– Nikhil Nare (10)
We have the college and career center that has resources, and we post opportunities online. We also have an internship class available for students who want to work during school hours, we can provide references.
– Mrs. Victoria Ventura (Secretary)
How do you get a job or internship without a 4.0 GPA?
– Esha Sharma (11)
Don’t think too hard about it because the interviewer understands if you’re a teenager and looking for a job. Just present yourself nicely and apply to a bunch.
– Sophie Zheng (11)