As we transition into the winter season, ice hockey routinely surges in popularity among viewers. However, for the players of the Richard Montgomery Hockey Club, who have been training for some time now, the season is well on its way; practices began in September, games started in early October, and the season will end in January. The team has spent months honing their skills— especially crucial in hockey where natural talent only gets you so far. “A typical practice has multiple drills that go through different strategies and skills that we want the players to use during games,” Head Coach Chris Hinsvark said. Controlling a tiny puck with a stick, all while balancing on ice and weaving through defenders is no easy feat, but this team is a testament to the value of hard work and their progress is remarkable.
Unfortunately, midway through the season, the team’s record falls short of their goals—currently standing at one victory and four losses. “However, we’ve played some very close games and lost numerous games by only one goal, so we’re hoping to improve upon that second half of the season,” Coach Hinsvark said. The players share this mindset as well, many of whom maintain that the record does not reflect their abilities as a team. “I feel like the RM hockey team is better than our record shows,” freshman Franklin Karton said. Despite some setbacks, this positive attitude is crucial as the team looks forward to many more games to come.
One area where the Hockey Club team truly excels is in its spirit. Overall, RM teams have always been outstanding in showing support for one another; the hockey team is no exception. “The team environment is very welcoming and the captains and veteran seniors always give tips to help anyone get better… I enjoy the team community and am really feeling like I’m part of a family,” Karton said. This team camaraderie is very motivating, with everyone helping each other out to succeed, and valuable for creating a better team. “[My teammates] are always nice, everybody has been pretty helpful and supportive,” freshman Abby Marlowe said. “I really enjoy being a part of this team because it’s bigger than just yourself.”
As the hockey season progresses and these players continue to develop their skills on the ice and as a bonded team, there is much to look forward to. “This season, I look forward to going to the playoffs for high school and hopefully winning states, but if not, at least giving it our best shot,” Karton said.
When looking towards the rest of the season, the RM Hockey Club is determined to grow stronger both on and off the ice. With a focus on teamwork, perseverance, and skills on the ice, these players are determined to make the most of their remaining games. Their passion for and dedication to this sport extends beyond just what happens after the puck drops, leaving fans excited for what’s next. “As a senior, I can’t wait to see what the team has in store for the future,” senior Tom Stone said.