Junior Shelby Roth is excited to start her third year on the Tide, this time as opinions editor. She has previously written for the news section, and has edited for sports. She is currently the news editor for The MocoStudent and is the sports editor for The Amplifier. In her free time, you can find her playing field hockey or reading.
Jessica Wang is a junior, and she is excited to be the Assistant Video Editor for the Tide! This is her second year as an assistant editor, and her third year as part of Tide Multimedia. In her free time, she enjoys playing piano and reading.
Junior Ari Fine is in his third year on The Tide and second as Sports Editor. As Sports Editor again, Ari hopes to continue to innovate the section and be creative with layout designs. In his free time, Ari enjoys going on runs and playing lacrosse with friends.
Elli Jacobs is excited to be writing for her third year in The Tide as the Social Justice editor. As a junior, she looks forward to taking on challenges and meeting new people. In her free time, Elli enjoys playing the piano, crocheting and knitting.
Amanda Gershoni is so excited to be one of the Sports Editors for The Tide and work with an amazing group of editors and writers this year. Previously, she wrote for the sports section. When Amanda isn't busy working for the newspaper, she loves to play basketball, lacrosse, and spending time with friends.
Taiwo is currently a sophomore at RM. This is her second year on The Tide. She is excited to work on the Arts section this year including the TidePod again. In her free time enjoys listening to music and throwing on the track and field team.
Mayah Nachman is excited to begin her senior year as a News Editor for The Tide. This is her fourth year writing for the paper, having previously contributed to the News and Features sections and working as an Assistant Editor for the Centerspread section. When she isn't at school, she enjoys baking, spending time with friends and family, and playing the guitar.