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The Tide

The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide


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Senior Reflections: Ava Smith

Courtesy of Ava Smith
Senior Ava Smith was involved with many extracurriculars during her time in RM, like girls lacrosse, soccer and The Tide.

Many of my favorite memories from RM are from school sports. Participating in sports not only taught me the value of teamwork and discipline but also helped me start lifelong friendships. I was able to make friends outside of my original circle and outside of my grade. This helped me break out of my shell and meet people that I will value forever. 

The memories within sports that I cherish are more than just winning games and scoring goals. The team bonding moments like the post-practice Starbucks runs or bus ride dance parties are what make the sport worth it for me and the most memorable.

In sports, for the most part, everything that happens to you, happens to the team. You all went through highs and lows together, which just strengthened the bond of the team and the friendships.

I definitely recommend doing a sport at RM, or at least giving one a try. You don’t have to be the star player or team captain to have fun and make memories. Having the opportunity to just be there and be a part of the team bonding becomes so valuable in the long run and can introduce you to people that you never thought you’d be talking to otherwise. 

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About the Contributor
Ava Smith
Ava Smith, SciTech Editor
Senior Ava Smith is an editor in The Tide. Her goal is to get more involved in the RM community and cover important topics. She plays soccer and lacrosse for the RM Varsity team and loves spending time with her friends and family.