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The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

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The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

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Senior Reflections: Emma Tyser

Camryn Tyser
Senior Emma Tyser reflects on memorable aspects throughout her time in RM.

As my high school career is coming to an end, I’ve begun to reflect on my time at RM. From my freshman year, waking up five minutes before class and logging onto my computer for Zoom to walking the halls, COVID free my senior year, there is so much that’s changed. They say that time flies when you’re having fun, which makes sense looking back. But when will it slow down? It seemed like I was just biking around with my friends, staying 6 feet away from each other as I complained about my biology homework. 

Many people ask me if I’m sad for it to be over as my peers nod their heads, tears welling up in their eyes. But for me, senior year posed an opportunity to expand my world, opening up the bubble that is my life. I’ve always struggled with always wanting more, and I will be forever grateful for what RM has provided me to do just that. Whether it was the countless counselor visits trying to figure out where to go to college or the overly amazing and accommodating teachers who extended deadlines for my college visits, RM has always provided me with just the right amount of support. 

If I had to thank one person, it would be Mr. Thomas, thanking him for opening up my world to the endless possibilities it has to offer. I got my first taste of college in my junior year when I took his IB Philosophy class. Not only was the coursework enriching and just challenging enough, but the people I was surrounded by, along with the constant encouragement and engagement from him, made me realize how ready I was for that to be my world. It pushed me to get my applications in when I thought it would be impossible. It pushed me to get out of bed in the mornings when I felt hopeless and lazy. It pushed me to realize that the world didn’t end when I was 15 and drowning in work after my COVID year because this isn’t even the beginning of what my life will be. 

So, to answer my own question, when will time ever slow down? I don’t know. But if RM has taught me anything, it’s that it’s okay for time to move fast. At least you’re moving forward. And that’s the most important thing. We made it. 1461 days (give or take 😉 ). 

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About the Contributor
Emma Tyser
Emma Tyser, Sports Writer
Junior Emma Tyser is a beat writer for underrepresented sports at RM. She has previous experience in creative writing, and is currently copy editor for the schools yearbook. Besides writing, she is either on the track or spending time with her family.