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The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide

The Student News Site of Richard Montgomery High School

The Tide


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Senior Reflections: Christiana Vucea

Courtesy of Christiana Vucea
Senior Christiana Vucea reflects on what she has learned throughout her time in high school.

Throughout high school, I found myself thinking about the past over and over again, wondering what I would do if I could go back in time. Sure, learning about the big events and important people in history was interesting, but what fascinated me the most was the everyday Joes. I would give anything to go back in time and talk to someone my age during Victorian times or the French Revolution. On another hand, the last thing I would ever want is to be transported back in time 4 years ago. 

When I went into high school I told myself that I would change and mature as much as possible, leaving behind my cringe middle school self behind in the dust to be forgotten. Now, just 2 weeks away from graduation, I look back and I can’t help but cringe at my high school self as well. Looking at history, it’s easy to assume people back then did not act or think like us, that they were fundamentally different, when in reality, they probably weren’t. It’s silly to want to separate myself from my middle school self so bad when in reality, she’s still me. 

And that brings me to my advice to all underclassmen: don’t think that just because you’re so much more well rounded than you were 4 years ago that you know everything. Don’t peak in high school.

If RM taught me anything, it is that you can always learn more. Get involved in clubs, events, everything you can get involved in. Don’t be afraid to try new things, make new friends, and all that. Enjoy the little things in life but still keep yourself on your toes. Never take anything for granted. In the end, not a lot of what you do matters, so getting a B in freshman year math class is not the end of the world. Don’t stress yourself over the small things, but still put effort in what you love. Try your best to find out what you are most passionate about. 

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I wouldn’t want to meet my younger self because I don’t think I need to. I’m still the cringe me even though I forgot a few things and learned a lot more. You can’t force yourself to mature just from sheer will. Let yourself grow as a person naturally throughout high school, and you’ll find that you’ll still be you, just with a lot more layers. Just like Shrek. 

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About the Contributors
Christiana Vucea
Christiana Vucea, Graphics Editor
Christiana Vucea is a senior and an editor for the graphics section this year! She has been doing graphics since freshman year and is excited for new features coming to the Tide this year. When she’s not doodling something, she can be found either sleeping or stressing over physics homework.
Madeline Springer
Madeline Springer, Features Writer
Madeline Springer is a senior in RM’s IB Diploma Program. This is her second year writing for The Tide. She enjoys playing volleyball, hiking and waterskiing in her free time.