Softball concludes historic season in state quarterfinals

The varsity softball team poses for a picutre with the regional championship plaque following their win on May 16.
The varsity softball team poses for a picutre with the regional championship plaque following their win on May 16.
Photo permission granted by Nora Kelley

The varsity softball team’s season concluded on May 20 after a 4-0 loss to top-seeded Eleanor Roosevelt High School in the state quarterfinals. They finish the season with an 11-7 record with lots to be proud of. 

The Rockets put up a solid defensive effort against the Raiders. There were strong plays from the plate, as senior catcher Marissa Boucher made an impressive out at home with the help of sophomore third base Callie Guttman. Freshman pitcher Maddie Little had a strong outing, notably helping the Rockets get out of a bases-loaded situation in the first inning. On the other side of the ball, the Rockets put on a solid display of infield hits and skilled base running.

Head Coach Kelly Callan Nosoff encouraged the team in between innings, rallying them together until the final out. “Hold your heads up,” said Coach Callan. “You got it, you guys got it.” The team stayed strong throughout the entire game, keeping the energy and spirit high.

That game was the culmination of all our hard work.

— Pearl Mitchell

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“For me, that game was the culmination of all of our hard work; it is really special every game we play is us making history,” senior shortstop Pearl Mitchell said. 

The Rockets have their heads held high following the quarterfinal game, as the outcome did not reflect all the hard work and spirit displayed throughout the season. 

“We take each game as it is, and sometimes we just fall short,” junior outfielder Johnell McConnell said. “But that doesn’t undercut how hard we have worked this season to get to that moment.” 

After an impressive postseason run, the 2023-2024 Rockets have cemented themselves in school history. Ten years after RM took home a regional title, the Rockets beat Einstein on May 16 to clinch their first regional title since 2014. 

“This is the first time in 10 years that softball has won their region,” McConnell said. “Hopefully, we can keep this streak alive for next year.” 

At the beginning of the season, the team set the goal of winning the region. During the offseason, the team targeted its weaknesses to ensure it was at its best heading into the spring. This work truly paid off.

The varsity softball team runs onto the field to celebrate after clinching their first regional championship in ten years (Nora Kelley)

“We have faced challenges in the past with not having consistent hitting, but this year, the bats were on fire, and they became very strong offensively,” McConnell said. “Overall, the energy of our team was unmatched.”

The seniors were pivotal players in the program; they left big shoes to fill for next season. While the team this year returned many upperclassmen, numerous underclassmen significantly impacted the play on the field. Notably, Little stepped up for the Rockets on the mound, showing a lot of promise for a freshman. 

“I want to shout out our freshman pitcher who has been the clutch in the playoffs, held it down, and allowed us the chance to win every game,” Mitchell said.

With the season over, the team reflects on their season, looking at the successes and bonds they made along the way. 

“I think this season has been really amazing for us. We really gelled together as a team,” Mitchell said. “And, of course, we were able to make history with that regional win.”

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