Seniors take the W in this year’s Powerpuffs
The junior Powerpuff team in red plays against the underclassmen’s Powerpuff team in yellow on the first day of the event.
December 15, 2022
This week, RM held Powerpuff football games on Dec. 13 and 14 during lunch on the football field. The seniors won, to the surprise of many, as they had gained a reputation for lacking in spirit after failing to form a Boms group and losing the homecoming hallway decorating contest.
“This year we actually won,” senior Nani Gildersleeve said. “The coaching was more structured, we had preplanned plays and routes, more practices, and overall just more prepared this time.”
Powerpuffs, renamed this year from the previous Powderpuffs, are a long-held female football tradition at RM. “It’s a chance for girls to try out a male-dominated sport and compete for their grade,” senior and SGA spirit coordinator Scout Pollack said.
The event also acts a fundraiser. “The money goes mostly to breast cancer research,” junior and spirit coordinator Udy Mbanaso said.
The juniors lost on the first day to underclassmen, so the next day it was seniors versus underclassmen and the seniors won this year. “I think we won because as a whole we enjoyed being with each other even if we were playing in the game,” senior Davanee McNairy said.
“The seniors won because we. Are. The best. It’s that simple,” Gildersleeve said.

This year, Powerpuffs did not attract as many students because they were either busy during lunch or they felt it was too cold outside. “I remember my freshman year the bleachers were packed with students watching and the teams filled in one day,” McNairy said. “This year we couldn’t even find individual freshman and sophomore teams because of the lack of people interested.”
Students are considering the idea of a second Powerpuff around the end of the year. However, if it does happen, students say it should be for another simpler sport other than football. “I feel like if we ever did another version of Powerpuff it’d have to be like baseball or something. Yeah, that’d be fun,” Gildersleeve said.
Nonetheless, students enjoy Powerpuffs the way it is now. “It’s super fun and love doing it with my friends and it’s something to look forward to,” sophomore Amanda Gershoni said.
“I loved Powerpuff this year. The team and coaches were super encouraging and the environment was great,” McNairy said. “Everyone was there to have fun and win and I think everyone on the senior team at least had a great time.”