iPhone 14 satisfies past fantasies

Ava Smith, Features Writer

The world is becoming more and more reliant on technology, and past speculations are now becoming realities.

With time, cell phones are adaptable. This creates new technological possibilities for dreams to come true. 

“My dream phone includes unlimited battery,” junior Simon Reich said.

Other students have different visions for future iPhones. 

“Mine would be completely waterproof,” freshman Emma Reichling said. 

Old sci-fi films such as Star Wars and Cartoon network’s The Jetsons have dreamed of communicating face-to-face over technology. JJ Abrams’ Star Trek features the dream of communication through a watch. Apple’s iPhones, new and old, have transformed these dreams into a reality.

Apple’s new iPhone 14 and previous iPhones include these features. The ceramic shield is “tougher than any smartphone glass,” according to Apple, preventing cracks and spills from infiltrating the system. Furthermore, the iPhone 14 has a battery that lasts nine hours and 28 minutes according to Tom’s Guide

Since “FaceTime” was introduced to the iPhone 4 in 2010 according to the Apple Fandom, phone designs have become more and more complex. In 2014, Apple created the “Apple watch,” which allows users to call friends from their wrists.

These accessories do not come cheap, though.

Freshman Miriam D’Albora and sophomore McKinley Heaven complained about the lofty price of the iPhone 14. With the new phone being around a thousand dollars, the product is out of many consumers’ price ranges. 

Many students also dislike the size of the phone. 

“Nothing really caught my eye. I just don’t love how big it is,” junior Jordyn Kolchins said. “It [being the new iPhone 14] has two thirds of the things I wish the dream phone had.” 

Sirius XM’s Hits 2 host Spyder Harrison complained about the size as well.

“It can’t even fit in my pocket,” he said. The iPhone 14 is six inches tall.