The upcoming Powderpuff games
December 7, 2022
The Powderpuff games and practices are a yearly tradition set up by the SGA at RM. Every year, students, typically girls, of all grade levels sign up to participate on teams in flag football games, known as Powderpuff. There are traditionally four teams, one for each grade level, and the teams play each other in knockout rounds until the final game between the last two teams standing.

The team uniforms and colors are assigned by the grade level’s color, freshmen are purple, sophomores are green, juniors are red, and seniors are black and gold.

The games and practices are held during lunch and the teams are coached by members of RM’s football team in the same grade as the team.

As excitement begins to wind up in the next weeks leading up to the Powderpuff games, there is one major difference between this year’s games and the games in previous years. This year, there was a lack of interest in the freshman class. The SGA’s solution to this was to create an underclassmen team by combining the interested freshmen with the sophomore team. The condensing of these two teams together will make for an interesting Powderpuff season this year.