SGA runs clothing drive for local homeless shelter
The SGA clothing drive banner hangs outside the media center where donations were collected.
October 28, 2022
To kick off the school year, the RM SGA held a clothing drive for Stepping Stones, a local Rockville homeless shelter.
“Our goal is to collect as many clothes as we can,” Senior Paulyn Baringinare said. “I know a lot of people have a lot of clothes sitting at the bottom of their closet that they don’t use. There are many people who aren’t as fortunate to have the clothes that we do. Those that are able to help should donate.”
With temperatures dropping and winter just around the corner, the donations are in high demand. “We reached out to the shelter and they gave us a list of items that they need the most,” Senior Lorelai Merritt said. “We are looking the most for underwear and socks.”
The events are run by the community service committee, a branch of the SGA dedicated to organizing charity events and drives. The committee works to promote the drive and get people to donate.
“We have an incentive of donuts, so whichever grade donates the clothes will receive them,” Baringinare said.
As the year goes on, the SGA anticipates holding even more drives to give back to our community. An upcoming event that students can look out for is the annual canned food drive for the Manna Food Center.