Season 5, Episode 1: Mr. Beach on Renaming RM
The TidePod, which was started in early 2019, is currently in its seventh season. Graphic designed by Valerie Wang.
October 25, 2022
The Montgomery County Board of Education passed a resolution allowing for the consideration of renaming six MCPS schools. RM is one of these schools; along with Montgomery County, it is named after Irish soldier Richard Montgomery. Recently, students and communities have been circulating petitions to take the further steps necessary in renaming RM and other MCPS schools. We spoke with US History teacher Mr. Beach to learn more about who Richard Montgomery was and historical context behind RM’s name. You can listen to the episode here. For more episodes, check out the TidePod on Spotify and Buzzsprout.
This episode of the TidePod was hosted by Humsa Tammera, Hayal Ziku, and Annyee Foo. Written by Uma Patnaik, Natalia Evans-Gibson, Hannah Solomon, Kyle Nguyen, Taiwo Balogun, Chloe Adosson, and Elli Jacobs. Publicity and outreach by Uma Patnaik and Hayal Ziku. Graphic by Valerie Wang. Music courtesy of Corrigan Peters. Produced and edited by Uma Patnaik.