Senior Reflection: Ava Lunenfeld

June 8, 2022
“It’s gonna go by in the blink of an eye,” is something I’ve heard about a million times before and during my high school years. The thing is, I didn’t expect it to be this accurate. Now, looking back, I feel like just yesterday I was stepping foot into RM thinking, “wow, this school is huge.”
I still remember the smell of feet as I walked into my seventh period yoga class during freshman year. How could I forget having to catch my breath after sprinting back to RM from Rockville Town Center, or the clunking of my inconvenient chunky shoes as I did this? Now I’m able to drive to lunch, and thankfully, I’ve thrown those shoes out.
I’ve learned a lot from my time here at RM. Starting with the obvious, don’t sweat the small stuff. This is something I heard about every single day from my parents, but as a senior, I finally agree with their reactions to my complaints from freshman year.
I think it’s really important to put yourself out there and get involved in extracurricular activities, such as clubs and sports. Participating in field hockey and basketball for a portion of high school introduced me to various people that I can now call my best friends. Also, try something new. I’ve taken so many random classes that I ended up loving.
Don’t be afraid to talk to people you don’t know! This is something I really succeeded in during my senior year, though I wish I knew to do it earlier. Having a virtual school year on zoom made me realize how much I took actually speaking to people for granted. Casual conversations with classmates who sat next to me turned into long lasting friendships. If there’s one skill RM has taught me, it’s the ability to reach out to new people.
If you have siblings, do not take them for granted, and spend as much time with them as you possibly can (without fighting). My older brother and I were extremely close throughout our high school years, and when he left, my life completely changed. Of course I became more independent, but I wish I’d realized how lucky I was to attend the same school as my brother while I did.
It’s hard to fully grasp everything I’m saying since it’s difficult to realize these things until you’re about to leave RM. So at the end of the day, just have as much fun as you can, be unapologetically yourself, and do your best in school. That’s all you can do!
Finally, TAKE JOURNALISM. One of my biggest regrets is not getting involved in the Tide early enough, or just enough in general.
I’ll miss RM a lot, from the students, to the teachers, to the coaches, to the security guards. This school has made me who I am today, and I’m extremely grateful for my experience here.