Watch ‘The Office Ladies’ for a unique inside scoop
Photo courtesy of the Office Ladies
The Office Ladies podcast is hosted by “The Office” stars Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, who break down one episode of “The Office” each week.
May 7, 2021
On Oct. 16, 2019, the company Earwolf produced the first-ever episode of the outstanding rewatch podcast for the iconic TV show The Office called The Office Ladies. It is hosted by none other than the show’s very stars Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, who played the confusing but funny pair of friends Pam Beesly and Angela Martin. In this podcast, the ladies break down one episode of The Office each week, which includes giving you several behind-the-scenes facts and sometimes even the appearance of a guest star from the very show.
By listening to best friends Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, you get the inside scoop regarding just about everything when it comes to The Office: the location of different sets, improvised lines, clothing and hair choices, filmmaking, props, and so much more. The ladies do not leave one detail unnoticed and frequently dive deeply into various topics related to the episode, one example being when Angela Kinsey looked up all the Alfredo’s Pizza Café locations since the show’s characters loved it. The ladies always give you more content than you would expect.
Something I especially love about The Office Ladies podcast is that sometimes it is not just Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey talking, but another star from The Office coming to join the conversation about the episode as well. Whether it be an actor, writer, or director from the show, The Office Ladies podcast will regularly have a guest star appearance come to make the listen so much more entertaining. One I particularly liked was when actor John Krasinski came to tell many stories and his favorite hilarious experiences that happened while being on the set.
Though The Office Ladies is about the show The Office, it is not just Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey talking about it for forty-five minutes to an hour non-stop. With this podcast, you also learn much more about who Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey are and their friendship over the years since the show started. I love listening to Jenna’s feminist views and deep dives regarding sexism and women empowerment, as well as Angela’s tangents about her favorite movies like The Hunger Games or stories from her acting career and friendship with Jenna. It gives the podcast so much more depth, and overall, makes listening to it much more enjoyable.
The Office Ladies podcast is perfect for anyone who is a fan of The Office. Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey consistently deliver the most interesting information that you would want to know. However, if fans still have questions, they will sometimes even revisit the episode and creatively call it the “second drink,” to discuss many more details and most definitely bring a guest star to join as well. I absolutely love listening to this podcast throughout my day and would recommend it to anyone who adores The Office and wants to learn everything they can about all their favorite episodes.