Valentides 2021

Despite being in a virtual setting, The Tide presents another year of Valentides to celebrate Valentine’s Day! Graphic by Christina Vucea.
February 14, 2021
Valentides is an annual Valentine’s Day tradition courtesy of The Tide. RM students and faculty had the opportunity to submit a short response about someone they appreciate and/or wanted to give a shout out to on this special day. Whether it was their valentine, a friend, teacher, or family member, we wanted to hear about it!
“Dearest, most Beloved Anand – I love you to the moon and back. If you are the father of our friend group, I am glad to be the mother. You are the most rational, clear-headed person I know who has an answer to each of my questions. Never does anyone not feel included or loved when you are around. You have a heart of pure gold and I’m glad to know you. You deserve every ounce of success coming your way. I love you always. And send my regards to Darla!” – Amna Shamim, grade 12
“To Syd – Thanks for being a great editor and an even better friend.” – Nikki Shah, grade 12
“Hey ms girl. I love you. Happy Valentine’s day to our single lives! Thanks for being my best friend Lina.” – Veda Peter, grade 12
“Happy Valentine’s Day to one of my closest friends, Anishka B! Thanks for making hour-long bus rides super fun!!!!” – Lulu August, grade 11
“Senjougahara, thank you for bringing life to my summer.” – Chris Fletcher, grade 10
“Natalie, Kira, Vicky, and the lunch group. I love you guys so much. Thank you so much for the just being the way you are I don’t know what I did to deserve such wonderful people in my life.” – Iru Munasinghe, grade 11
“to the boys, may we be drippy forever” – Victoria Koretsky, grade 11
“Hershey do you take french? Because Eiffel for you <3
hey avery I may not be a photographer but I can totally picture us together !
evelyn are you a keyboard? because you are just my type
hey samantha is ur last name google? because u have everything I’ve been searching 4
hey crystal r u a crystal ball bc I cant see my future without u
rachel is there an airport nearby or is my heart taking off?
julianne do u like vegetables bc I love you from my head tomatoes
hey anna r u http? bc without u I’m just ://
Jude you must be Wifi ’cause I’m feeling a connection
hey eddie did u know my favorite sushi is uni bc it puts u-n-i together <3” – Ri Ce, grade 10
“It is Valentine’s Day, Oguz.” – Georgia Levine, grade 9
“You’re the best Carolyn, and your lighting is wild <3
Yo Joanna, I just wanna thank you for being my minecraft mother” – Daniel Chernyak, grade 9

“Here’s to Oguz for capturing the hearts of all in our discord server!” – Carolyn Conner, grade 9
“I love you very much Arianna. Happy valentine’s day! uno out” -Veda Peter, grade 12
“Thanks to Ms. Carter for always showing up with a bright smile to lift our spirits!” – Anonymous
“oguz is our mans” – Joanna Wu
“Happy Valentines to my boo landon” – Adrian Rodriguez, grade 9
“Veda, Arianna, you guys are the loves of my life and I’m so thankful we stuck around each other for these four (4) years! I love you and I appreciate. Kalsium forever! Or Velrianna, I’m not sure now.” – Lina Durgam, grade 12
“Hi, Oguz. You are very cool. I wish to be as cool as you someday.” – Alanna Yang, grade 9
“Jack, hey lol thank you for driving me everywhere and making me laugh all the time. Still waiting on that movie date with you and David… I can’t wait for more midnight adventures and kangaroo visits!!
Jessie, Eileen, and Julia, I MISS YOU SM!! I hope I see y’all for cheer soon! Wouldn’t want to GET HYPE with anyone else Love y’all lots hehe
Play date ladies, HEYYYY!!!!!! Thank you for always being there for me and having my back. There is literally never a dull moment with y’all and I can’t wait until we go 110% on more adventures. Love you guys!! DC tom??” – Kaia Lee-Espiritu, grade 12
“One good thing about quarantine is the amount of quality time I get to spend with my mom and little brother. They are my best friends and provide me with a support system that I am so so lucky to have. I love and appreciate them so much!” – Mary Ma, grade 12
“To all our wonderful Arts writers: Thank you for working so hard on your articles and bringing so much enthusiasm to the Tide. We appreciate you so much! <3” – Tide Arts Editors
“To our amazing Centerspread team- thank you for always being so passionate and hardworking! We appreciate you guys <33” – Tide Centerspread Editors
“Nikki, thank you for being such an amazing friend and as weirdly obsessed as I am with One Direction!! Love our TJ runs and watching overly-sappy movies!
Natalie, thank you for being the BEST co-editor of the best Tide section ever! I don’t know where Centerspread would be without you!” – Sydney Weiss, grade 12
“To Trophy Brain– thank you for picking up my spontaneous FaceTime calls, being my Chinese buddy, and making tons of food with me. Maybe one day my house will be as quiet as yours and I’ll get proof that your parents are real” – Avery Wang, grade 10
“To Kevin, my favorite sports editor, who never makes me write articles about NASCAR. <3” – Corrigan Peters, grade 11
“To the lunch group- Thank you for always making me laugh! School wouldn’t be the same without you all. I love you guys <33
To Sydney- Thank you for making centerspread the best section possible! Section breakout rooms are so much fun with you <33” – Natalie Weger, grade 11
“Shoutout to Mrs. Lyons for making the best of a bad situation!!” – Jordan Floam, grade 12
“dear d- I know we’ve been going through some tough times but you mean the absolute world to me and I would never trade you for anything. this may not compare to last year’s (cringe) but this truly comes from the deep depths of my heart. thank you for the movie dates and the late nights and the math help too. and I’ll never forget the sunsets and the love. I love you so much <3 happy valentine’s day!!! :3” – Desiree Chen, grade 10

“Thanks to all of my wonderful teachers and fellow Tide editors for making this school year the best it can be! To Mary and Eileen, thanks for being the best co-EICs over the past few months. Natalie, Izzy, and Mirula, you guys are the best friends I could ask for and I’m so grateful for you all <3” – Grace Burwell, grade 12
“To the Marching Band – We love you all so much, even if we didn’t get to practice in person, it was so much fun to get to hang out with you all and practice virtually. You all are great musicians and amazing people. Thank you all for an amazing season!” – Bridget McKirgan and Caleb Hart, grade 12
“To Taylor, both the pole and the people, I miss you!!! Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. I love you soo much, and I really can’t believe its been three and a half years since the first lunch, because it simultaneously feels like just yesterday and an eternity ago. This year has been a Trip, but that hasn’t changed anything, and it makes me very confident that we can do this going into College and The Great Beyond. Thank you guys for everything. <3” – Bridget McKirgan, grade 12
“This Valentide goes to one AMNA SHAMIM. for being the most amazingest human being ever and bringing everlasting joy and love to my life. I love you <3” – Anand Chitnis, grade 12
“Something cute- you light up my life. You are thoughtful, brilliant, lovely, and kind. Counting down the days until I can hug you again.” – Hannah Levy, grade 12
“Happy Valentines to Lucy! You’re super cool and really fun to talk to and I really like you!!” – Michael Sun, grade 12
“Diana weng, you’re such a nice person. I’m glad we’re friends!” – Shafeeq Whack, grade 9
“I want to give a shoutout to Emily Pham. She’s such a good partner always, she’s very optimistic and is like a ray of sunshine” – Lyric Spray, grade 10
“happy valentine’s to my educators and loved ones! thank you to my best friends grace and izzy for always being there for me and being lovely people<3” – Natalie Kent, grade 12
“hi sabrina can you please play minecraft with me I told my parents about you” – Kyle Liao, grade 12
“dear kyle – happy valentines day best friend” – Sabrina Mei, grade 12
“Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my amazing friends! You all truly make every one of my days exciting even in our uncertain situation. Know that you are all incredibly special and loved. I really look forward to seeing you guys back at school <333” – Matthew Adjodha, grade 11
“Thank you Valeria for always making me laugh with your unconventional remarks and our ft calls. Can’t wait to see you!” – Jocelyn Leal, grade 11