QOTM: Ideal Valentine’s Day Dates
February 26, 2020
Florence Zhang, freshman: “Cooking with them would be super fun and then we’ll eat and cuddle and all that sappy romantic stuff. Or taking me to Harry Potter world works too.”
Feileen Li, sophomore: “Hanging out all of February 13, and then at 2 AM on Valentine’s Day, we go to an all-night diner. After, we go on a mini road-trip in an SUV and we take small stops. Then, after dusk, we stop and lay out blankets and look at the stars.”
Meth Munasinghe, senior: “My third period, because that’s when chemistry really begins.”
Mr. Gandhi, Chemistry teacher: “We watch movies, just hang out and then we go for a walk. Then we have a nice dinner where we cook breakfast for dinner together. It’s a tradition we have, this will be our third year in a row. We always try to use different recipes, so we’ll try and cook something old and something new.”
Michelle Wong, freshman: “Taking a trip to the harbor or beach boardwalk, since it’s a fun place to be. Plus, it’s not as basic as just a movie or getting lunch, and there’s so much to do there!”

Sarah Saeed, senior: “Doing basic things like giving flowers, going out to dinner, and staying out late. Or going to see a movie and then going home; basically anything that allows me to spend more time with them. If I had to go for something bigger, probably something involving travel, like going to an expensive city for the night, that would be awesome!”
May Soemin, junior: “Going to an art gallery and then the botanical gardens because #RespectTheGreens.”
Devlin Mangan, freshman: “Staying at home with homemade food watching movies on the couch with popcorn, or going to a fair and playing carnival games with my date and at sunset we go on the Ferris Wheel.”
Justin Tang, senior: “Walking out on a nice day by the shore and watching the sunset. And buying chocolate on sale the next day.”