Samantha Wu

Mr. Hinsvark’s first period class collects a shopping cart full of canned food for the Mana food drive, a fundraiser for the local food bank. The event was planned and advertised by the SGA, incentivized through a competition between first periods, with a donut prize as a reward for any class bringing in over a hundred cans. “History and English are killing it, I’m so serious. The entire history hallway is great,” senior Scout Pollack said, “But I don’t think the donut incentive is working.” The cart was filled with various nonperishable goods, from dried pasta to beans and pudding. “Normally we hold a Toy drive during the holidays,” senior Rayan Molkara said. “We’ve done clothes this year, for the future there could be fundraisers for any specific causes.” The SGA is currently in the brainstorming process for new charitable events, including a spin on the traditional toy drive. “A math teacher told us about this thing called ‘stuff a bus,’ where you fill a bus with toys. You drive the entire bus to a shelter and feel like you did something nice for the community,” Pollack said.

Nov. 14, 2022: SGA’s canned food drive

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