Senior Wills 2021
Sydney Weiss and Natalie Weger
Every year, the Centerspread Editors ask graduating seniors to write a “will” dedicating the past 4 years to any friends, teachers, reflect on special moments/memories, or give advice to younger grades. Here is what some had to say:

Albury Ward
I began high school thinking I had an idea about life and the people I want to be in mind. Forget what you think you know because you don't know anything. I promise you you will change and your friends with change too but you will never truly be alone. You will hard days but I promise you can get through the tomorrow because it could always be worse. Good Luck!!!

Charlotte Turesson
Cherish every memory you have! The people you meet will likely become life long friends and will keep you happy and help you enjoy your journey. Trust yourself and the process and be patient! Even if things seem like they will never get better, they will fall into place if you focus on yourself and keep working at hard at what you want. Never give up and always do your best :)

George Sellers
Please start the rooftop gardening club that implements a composting program during lunch and gardens on the roof. It is one of my greatest regrets of high school. There are so many orange peels and apple cores that get thrown away. That's wasted potential. Also, don't waste the potential in you. Get on it.

Grace Burwell
To my friends and family who have been there for me every step of the way, thank you. Natalie, Izzy, and Mirula, you have been the best friends I could ask for, and I’m going to miss you so much in college. Thank you to all of my teachers who have guided and inspired me during these last four years, I couldn’t have done it without your support. Thanks to Eileen, Mary, and all the wonderful Tide...

Amna Shamim
Assigned seats are the most useless thing here at RM. You can make friends with anybody. Some of my best memories consist of sitting in randomized table groups and talking about life– how everything is going, any drama going on, things that we love or hate– and we would often erupt into laughter. Do that as much as you can because you'll miss the bellyache of high school humor.

Kevin Villegas
There is one thing that holds the most meaning for me, the greatest lesson ever to be taught. Trust in Jesus Christ the Son of God and he will get you through one of the most important phases of your entire life. Believe in him and you shall be saved!

Guy Felix
To the marching folk, you bet your brass I'll be back for the games, so I'm not going to bother saying goodbye. For any young Rockets reading this, throw yourself into the fire; I was surprised at the results.

Anand Chitnis
Richard Montgomery will give you everything you give it and more! I have so adored my time here. Throw yourself at every opportunity. Try something outrageous and you just might find a new love. No matter who you are or who you want to be, RM has a community for you; although, my heart goes to the Drama Club and the SGA, of course. Don’t think to hard about the future, you might just miss the present.

Nikki Shah
You can literally do whatever you want in these four years. Don't stay limited in the confines of your mindset. Be respectful to your teachers. Start clubs with your friends. Talk to people you're scared to approach. Participate in a random activity. Go to Philly and get a cheesesteak. Go to Annapolis and eat cake. Go to Noodles & Co on Fridays. Study and work hard, but not too hard. School is...

Hope Theweatt
Try your best with everything you do but remember to enjoy yourself too. Every mistake or bump in the road will always build you into a better person especially if your doing all that you can. Love everyone around you especially the ones that love you as well and cherish every little moment and memory you have with them good and bad. Lastly, be yourself, don't try to impress others by following them....

Sydney Weiss
Don’t let the “divide” between IB and non-IB kids stand in the way of getting to know the people around you. My friends are all in IB, while I’m not, and I have had the best of memories with them the past two years <3

Chris Mejia
I'd like to start off with thanking everyone who helped me along the way, knowingly or unknowingly. The experiences, knowledge and memories from these past four years will be a part of me forever. Thank you to my teachers for always seeing that I could always better myself and do anything I put my mind to. Even though I wasn't the best student, I felt like I could be. To my friends, I love y'all and...

Bridget McKirgan
To my band: I leave the memories, inside jokes, google forms, chairs in stacks of five, and dinner breaks. To Julia, the DMs, Angelina, and Kobina: I leave my over-enthusiastic email habits, and semi-organized google drives. Y'all are gonna do great out there. To Taylor: I leave the physical pole.

Tejas Nazare
Big thanks to all of my teachers and that made learning interesting and fulfilling. Grateful also for the best debate coaches Mr. Stillman and Mr. GK. Lastly, big thanks to all of my friends. I appreciate y'all. Advice for students is don't stress schoolwork, you're overthinking it. Just wing it.

Kyle Dalrymple
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Shoutout to the class of 2021, we prevailed with incredible resilience. I will my orchestra chair to a freshman violist and my other class chairs to a junior because post COVID-19, sitting in class is a privilege. Stay the course with conviction. Carpe diem!

Nick Asante
Honestly, I don’t remember most of high school but it flew by so fast. I made friends, lost friends, passed tests, failed tests, joined clubs, quit XC...well you get it. Anyways, underclassmen—make sure you cherish every moment because one day you’re gonna wake up and realize that there will be no more football games, pep rallies, spirit weeks, homecomings, proms, lockers, bathroom passes…Oh...

Corinne Hanway
My advice is to get involved! Try new things and you might end up making some amazing friends and finding something you love :)
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