Chris Mejia - Mr. Flaco Guwop

Chris Mejia – Mr. Flaco Guwop

“What would be your theme song/walk up song?”

This is tough, but I think it would have to be either “Babushka Boi” by ASAP Rocky or “Free Smoke” by Drake.

“Tell us a fun fact about yourself”

I won a peacemaker award in kindergarten.

“If you had one last meal on Earth, what would it be?” 

My last meal would be a big basket of like crabs and crawfish, there was a festival for crawfish in Pensacola where I lived and it was literally heaven.

“Who is your inspiration?”

Hands-down, my parents. I’ll always look up to them.

“Favorite RM memory?”

I really liked singing at the graduations. I was a part of chorus of all 4 years of high school and seeing the seniors graduate (with this year’s exception) and being able to see what’s to come was really cool to me.

“What is/was your favorite quarantine hobby?”

My favorite hobby was going outdoors a lot more. I’ve connected a lot more to nature and hiking. Taking walks and hanging out in parks had to be, and still is, my favorite.

“What’s the weirdest place that you’ve slept?”

I slept in the middle of a parking lot once. Never again.

“What is your best talent?”

I’m pretty good at soccer, but besides for that, I can carry a tune.

“If you could have dinner with one celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?”

I would have dinner with any one of the impractical jokers.

“What is your craziest RM experience?”

Actually waking up at 5:30 AM everyday :/

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