Guy Felix – Mr. Dragon Warrior

“What would be your theme song/walk up song?”

“Cruel Angel’s Thesis” by Yoko Takahashi.

“Tell us a fun fact about yourself”

I have a dent in my head.

“If you had one last meal on Earth, what would it be?” 

PB and J.

“Who is your inspiration?”

Dr. Perry.

“Favorite RM memory?”

Becoming an Unlikeable Loser Pirate.

“What is/was your favorite quarantine hobby?”

Learning how to read (again).

“What’s the weirdest place that you’ve slept?”

Band Room Floor (laid down on my jacket).

“What is your best talent?”

Making conversations awkward and uncomfortable, even with friends!

“If you could have dinner with one celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?”

Al Capone, so we could watch Goodfellas together.

“What is your craziest RM experience?”

Running back to pit practice in the rain with a loaf of bread and Pringles.

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