Who are the writers behind RM's The Tide?

Who are the writers behind RM’s The Tide?

In the RM journalism class, The Tide writers and journalism students were tasked to interview each other and write beyond from what others know or see on the surface in 300 words or less. Here the Centerspread Editors have collected the vast majority of responses to share publicly of those behind the articles on The Tide.

Sydney Weiss
Natalie Weger
Amna Shamim
Amanda Rodriguez-Michel
Irene Kim
Lynna Deng
Grace Burwell
Rachel Wang
Evelyn Shue
Eileen Zhang
Savva Brown
Delaney Crawley
Victoria Koretsky
Corrigan Peters
Daniel Chen
Victoria Tong

Lyric Spray

The girl about to take over the world   When you pass by this sophomore girl on Main Street, don’t underestimate her. She’s here to fight for herself, for us, and for humanity.  Behind closed doors, Lyric Spray studies intensely about the brain—all the complexities, circuitry, and unexplored territory that encompasses this fascinating object. When she feels motivation slipping underne...

Emily Pham

Emily Pham. I never knew much about her until I had the delight of talking with her. Here’s what I learned.     She’s creative in the sense that she loves trying new things. She has an aptitude for fashion, writing, and travel. She can’t wait to explore the world and what it has to offer. She imagines what kind of creatures lurk in the depths of the oceans, so much to the point wh...

Noa Karasik

Who is your greatest inspiration? Is it Elon Musk for his work developing and founding Tesla and SpaceX? Is it Leonardo DiCaprio for his award-winning acting roles in The Revenant and The Titanic? Is it Aretha Franklin for her status as the “Queen of Soul” and fantastic singing voice? Junior Noa Karasik had a much more personal and humbling answer: her friends. Karasik’s friends play a huge r...

Rediet Ghebrehiwet

Senior Rediet Ghebrehiwet is an advocate. Sometimes she champions important issues, like feminism or immigration policy, and other times for more obscure passions, like rollerblading or why telenovelas deserve more appreciation.  After joining many political student groups, Ghebrehiwet noticed the shocking absence of women. She tells me that this absence inspired her to speak up about women’...

Christopher Mejia

He’s a senior at Richard Montgomery and in the same advanced journalism class as me. This is all I know about Christopher Mejia as I sit in front of him, asking him the most personal questions I’ve ever asked a stranger. Now, this is what I know about him: He loves soccer. He’s also good at it. He recently committed to Hood College in Frederick, Maryland to play soccer. For him, the commitment...

Edwin Jiang

“Who am I?” a question almost every first-generation American introspects. Balancing his ancestral culture with the one of his birthplace is difficult and confusing for highschooler Edwin Jiang. “I don’t know what I am, more American or more Chinese.” Back in China, the dream is to make it in the United States, to integrate and become successful in American society. Though, it’s a ...

Eric Caulfield

From Fencing to Filmmaking   How can one turn a passion of fencing into a career in film?  For Eric Caulfied, it is not about the sport or field itself, but the values he has learned from his inspirations in each area.  Fencing has consumed a large part of Eric’s childhood; he’s been a part of a local team from third grade to eighth grade and from junior year of high school to now. ...

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