Caylin Rodgers

Over the past weeks in quarantine, while life has been different, it also feels the same to me. Everyday has seemed like a constant routine, but just a routine that is entirely in the house without going out. I wake up, eat breakfast, watch TV (I might check out the daily news) and watch YouTube. I do my homework, and if I’m finish early, I read.

I have to say, my experience with quarantining is pretty boring. I do miss going to real school because I really miss hanging out, talking to friends and getting the exercise of going up and down the stairs to get to the next class. During the day, I also stop to think about the many people out there who have lost their lives or are hanging in there because of this virus and how I pray this nightmare will come to an end.

On the positive side to this quarantine,  I have gotten a chance to take time with myself and reflect about college and the future. I’m also having the time to learn things I have not tried before, like drawing and painting, which I believe I’m not half bad at. At the end of the day, I try to think about this whole situation as something that we will get through and that it will become another part of history. When it comes time for society to open back up, it is going to change because of the impact this virus has made both mentally and emotionally on people, but we will all go through that change together.

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