Justin Dixon
"If you’re a republican or conservative at RM, keep that to yourself, trust me it will benefit you dearly in and outside of the classroom"
Becca Howlett
"To Allison, Jack, Alejandro, Anand, Izzy, Nick, and the rest of my Black Maskers family: I leave green rooms, tech dinners, games of park bench, and lots of love"
Rina Levy
"I hope you find a way to love your RM experience, whatever that means to you: find a club, eat lunch outside, go to the basketball game even when you think you're too tired, buy tickets to the musical even when you think you're not into drama. Say yes to spur-of-the-moment plans when you can, take care of yourself, and take care of the people around you. The weeks were long but four years went by...
Justin Tang
"Rub Rodney’s bald head for good luck"
Sydney Hartman
"RM Drama Club was the most positive and memorable experience I’ve ever gotten to be a part of. I’m forever grateful to my fellow crew members and to Eric Rodney for his years of support and guidance"
Daniel Fornell Balaban
"Remember that senior year is a once in a life time experience and even though us 2020 graduates didn’t get to enjoy it you guys should"
Elizabeth Meir
"Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, and definitely don’t do anything I would do. There’s a small grey area"
Maariyah Quadri
"Look at what I did, and then do the EXACT opposite"
Sirapob Sathiennukul
"Make friends with seniors who drive so they can hook you up with Chick-Fil-A, Taco Bell, Arby’s, Popeyes, etc. Also this is the year to not care what people say and do to you since you’ll never see them again after graduation (hopefully)"
Meth Munasinghe
"If you are reading this I'm probably dead, or I graduated. Same thing. Regardless, now that I am gone you guys gotta avenge me and the rest of the class of 2020 by having twice the fun we couldn't. Thanks for the memories and good luck!"
Brooke Hilliard
"To the Class of 2020- I'm sorry we didn't get the second semester we wanted, but I hope you all like how the senior wills turned out :) If I've learned anything in my time at RM, it's that getting a Dunkin' iced coffee at lunch is sometimes all you need to get through the day. Also, friendship bracelets and encourage-mints can make more of a difference than you think"
Vincent Martin
"Don’t mix 7/11 hot food with any kind of energy drink unless you want to be forced to use the school bathroom"
Matthew Giantelli
"Living your life to the fullest isn’t about crazy adventures is more about taking opportunities when you can"
Emil Santos
"Buy the Andy Capp's hot fries from 7/11, you won't regret it. Just don't eat fewer than 30, otherwise they're horrible"
Kyra Wisneski
"To the lifelong friends I've made, thank you for everything!!! This wasn't the ending we wanted but one of these days we'll get together and celebrate <3 Also gluck rmgvs, can't wait to watch you all do big things :)"
Jacqueline Lopez
"I hope everyone has an amazing year, thanks for everyone for the support over the years. For teachers thank you for your help, stay safe. For students have an amazing year!!!"
Christine Zhu
"Julian and Adam: have fun in jazz and pit! Bridget and George: keep doing great things with Tri-M! Ethan: good luck replacing me as jazz pianist and pit keyboardist. It's a struggle but it's also a blast. Elias: I think you should join pit. Victoria (x2) and Delaney: can't wait to see the incredible things you do with Features! Grace: you'll be an AMAZING EIC! So proud of you. Corbin:...
Francis Durso
"If you have some time to spare at the end of the day, helping your 7th period teacher put away chromebooks is always appreciated. Also, the library is open during pep rallies."
Jillian Wimbush
"Here’s my best piece of advice: Make some good and fun memories with your group of friends. These years of high school could be the last times your group can hang out together. Academics are important, but make sure you guys have more positive memories to look back on high school."
Nestor Aranibar
"Neat trick, if you're really passionate about any particular subject there are people in school and outside that are eager to help you develop it. Email professors, they will reply to you, and, if you're well develop within your area of study they might invite you into their courses. Don't be afraid to aim high, I got to take a few classes at Georgetown in both my junior and senior year because of...
Valerie Wang
"If it’s past three am, just sleep that quiz isn’t worth it. Go to a football game even if you have no idea whats going on and have fun with your friends because you never know when a worldwide pandemic will cancel all of your plans!"
Kaylen Pak
"Learn what you love. Respect your teachers. Hang out with friends. Study but don't study too much. Study with friends. Take a nap. Skip studying. Play Wii Sports with friends. The numbers don't matter. What matters is playing Just Dance 4 with friends."
Clare Zhang
"To all those who have had the misfortune of teaching me: Thank you. Your passion transforms school into an adventure; your kindness makes it a home. You deserve so much more than you get, but for what it’s worth (which is nothing), you have my eternal gratitude"
Shevani Tewari
"The biggest lesson many of us learned from this pandemic is to not take our normal, everyday lives for granted. Hug your friends. Help your teacher out, and don't be afraid to tell them how much you appreciate them. Try out that new lunch place. Go to sports games. Most importantly, take advantage of QDOBA Tuesdays — words can't explain how much I miss those $5 burritos"
Emily Chen
"To Eileen, Grace and Mary, I leave you all The Tide. Don't be afraid to ask questions, explore new stories and avoid the Oxford comma - I'm sure we're leaving this amazing student group in some very capable hands!! :)"
Emnet Kahsay
"My hardest goodbye will be to my BSU. This group gave me a community, hearing loss, and SO much food. My favorite times were our potlucks & Diaspora Nights- it always felt like home. I love y’all so much & I can’t wait for this club to thrive! My only advice is to find your home- or create it"
Ashley Guervara
"Although scale sometimes drew us apart (pumpkin pie is absolutely delicious), I am so happy to have met you all. I will never forget the comfort of coffeehouse on a cold night or the stress of InDesign on stormy afternoons. Sending an immense amount of love to Fine Lines- my wonderful family."
Jessica Chai
"June and the end of May were my favorite times of high school. That was when everyone was done with testing, and we all went to whatever class we wanted to and played games or just had really good talks. That’s what I’m going to miss most, and I’m sad I won’t be in school for this last one. Don’t take those moments of relaxation for granted. Make sure you let yourself have fun because, in...
Alex Concaugh
"Just cherish the time spent with everyone, because you never know when that time will come to an end" ...
Cory Bucy
"Go to everything that RM offers. Whether it’s a sports event, fall musical, spring play, RM idol, Mr.RM; don’t just stick to one genre. I made the mistake of not going to a musical till my senior year and lemme tell you, it was amazing. Lastly, PLEASE show some school spirit! Do spirit week!"
Elizabeth Mao
"As much as you might dislike school, cherish these times because they go by much faster than you think. Thank you RM, for unforgettable experiences"
Vickie Tan
"Four years will pass by quickly. I spent the first three constantly stressed about school, planning to cram my fun into second semester senior year. But that didn’t happen. I’m bitter. Still, I’m grateful for all the precious small moments I’ve had with friends. Four years is short. Use them wisely"
Katie Zhang
"Try rock climbing at Earthtreks! I got a membership in my Junior year and it was one of the best decisions I made in high school. It’s a great way to workout and have fun with friends and the community there is absolutely amazing. Plus, it’s literally a ONE minute walk from RM! #notsponsored"
Kevin Hrozencik
"If you are entering your senior year or starting out for the first time at RM, if there is any advice I can give, it is to try everything. My highschool career was built upon doing things last second and trying something on a whim and they ended up being some of the best experiences of my life. Even if you think you can grow a little bit of facial hair, do No Shave November with SGA, raise some...
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