Christian Rivera- Mr. Qué Pedo
Theme song: “The Suite Life of Zac and Cody” Go-to after school snack: “Lunchables with the good type of juice” Who is your inspiration? “My dad” Favorite Tiktok dance: "The ranague"

Michael Thomas- Mr. Bohemian
What do you do in your free time? “Actually, my time isn't free. I charge 70 dollars an hour” Who is your inspiration? “Me, myself and Jay-Z” Favorite RM memory: “Tech Week for The Addams Family” Favorite RM class: "IB Philosophy. Shoutout to Mr. Thomas "...

Justin Tang- Mr. Time
Favorite movie: “The Lego Batman Movie” Favorite pizza topping: “Pineapple” What would you do with 10 million dollars? “Spend it all on the lottery so I can double my money” Interesting fact: "I do not have the coronavirus"...

Logan Turner-Mannix- Mr. LGBT
Theme song: ‘Bohemian Rhapsody” Where do you see yourself in 20 years? “Hopefully putting on a successful art exhibition and publishing journals about the news around the world.” Who is your inspiration? “Lin-Minuel Miranda” Go-to after school snack: "Matcha Tea"...

Matthew Giantelli- Mr. Italiano
Interesting fact: “I once ate a thirty eight ounce patty burger in under 20 minutes” Is cereal a soup? Why or why not? “Yes because milk is the broth and it’s got something solid in the broth” Favorite movie: “Spider-Man Homecoming, Tom Holland is a cutie and it’s really well written” What do you do in your free time? “I practice baking, I draw cartoon characters for my cousins, I ...

Kevin Hrozencik- Mr. Connected
Who is your inspiration? “Patrick Wainwright’ Where do you see yourself in 20 years? “Flexing on my kids about how I won homecoming king when I was 17” Favorite RM Memory: “Being chased by Mr. Monteleone on his longboard” Interesting fact: "I made a 12 paged plan on how to survive a zombie apocalypse"...

Camber Vincent- Mr. Tiktok
Who is your inspiration? "Joe" DC or Marvel? “I don't really know who deesey and morval are but they should stop fighting” What would you do with 10 million dollars? “Make 93,458 TikToks with Charli Damelio (cause she charges 107 dollars per video)” Favorite Tik Tok Dance: “All of them” ...

Rob Kearns- Mr. Amphibious
Where do you see yourself in 20 years? “I’m definitely going to be a crazy mountain man” Go-to after school snack: “Flavor blasted goldfish” Favorite RM memory: “That one time it was 40 degrees in the school, maybe not favorite, but definitely most memorable.” Interesting fact: "I can bike without using my hands"...

Tutor Postolache- Mr. Marquee
Is cereal a soup? Why or why not? “No, not until it gets off its butt and puts in the work, we can all be soup if we truly fight for that honor, if we believe in ourselves, if we fight to be the change we want in the world! Until then we are all just soggy bowls of cereal…” Favorite pizza topping: “Pineapple... (fight me)” Favorite movie: “Swiss Army Man” Favorite Tiktok dance: "Renegad...

Eddie Rizkallah- Mr. Rizkillinit
What would you do with $10 million dollars? “Donate to poor children and families in Egypt. The organization is called Coptic Orphans.” What do you do in your free time? “Cooking, hanging out with friends, go on walks and hikes, watch movies and making a positive impact in the community” Favorite pizza topping: "Pepperoni, chicken, onions and peppers"...

Freddie Martinez- Mr. Smilez
Is cereal a soup? Why or why not? “No it is not. Because soup is hot and cereal is not, simple math my g.” Interesting fact: “I have 8 animals” What would you do with 10 million dollars: “Invest in 5 million, buyout chipotle, then ball out with the rest dawg” Favorite movie: "Interstellar"...

Eric Hall- Mr. Bust a Move
Favorite pizza topping: "DOUBLE cheese" Theme song: "Party in the USA" Favorite RM Memory: "Making it to the state semifinals for basketball" Favorite Tiktok dance: "The Woah"

Ethan Kwun- Mr. Kimchi
What would you do with $10 million? "I would first use the money to start a puppy cuddling business where people can come in and play with puppies for fun. Then after that I would put the rest of the money into BIB to get that ball rolling!!" Favorite movie: "Mulan" Favorite RM memory: "Playing hacky sack at lunch every day throughout senior year. Roll Sack Baby!!" Favorite pizza topping: "Buffal...

Pranav Tadikonda- Mr. Bollywood
Favorite TikTok dance: "All I Want for Christmas —> Crank That (Soulja Boy)" Interesting fact: "I’ve been to India nine times, so might as well call me the Bollywood hero of the West" DC or Marvel: "DC all the way because Marvel has taken over the cinematic industry. DC is so underrated and has so many cool stories that construct its intricate universe. Also Arrow is a tuff show" What would ...
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